THE ARISTOCRATS HIT AUSTRALASIA: And very soon! Hence the official band promo hype text below. 🤘![]()
Here are all the upcoming tour dates in February and March - The Aristocrats are so excited to head to Australia , China, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong and India to showcase music for their latest album DUCK.![]()
“In less than two weeks we’ll be setting off for our biggest AUSTRALASIAN Aristocrats adventure in over 8 years! It’s a long way for our DUCK to travel, and we’re looking forward to showing him around. Hope to see you there soon. 😉”![]()
Tickets for all shows are available from our website (link in comments)
MY LIFE IN 25 MINUTES: It's not often you get an interviewer who can get the key points of your life distilled into a 25 minute interview, but Greg Phillips of Australian Musician managed to do just that in this NAMM Oral History interview. Thank you Greg! (link in first comment)
HOT FOR BASS IN THE MIX: I know I posted a short clip of this, but you gotta check out this amazing sounding capture of the entire "Hot For Teacher" Ultimate Jam Night performance at NAMM with Michael Starr, Phil X and Joe Travers (plus Olga Art and @JulietGingerlocks on Insta) dancing. Feels like you're there and the bass sounds like a studio mix! Thanks to Jim Antera Ross for the amazing capture.
Ultimate Jam Night NAMM in You-Are-There-O-Vision! 24Jan2025 4K60 HQ audio - Doug Aldrich and more!
0:00 1 Still of the Night - Whitesnake (1987) - Guitar left Doug Aldrich7:02 2 Heartbreaker - Pat Benatar - In the Heat of the Night (1979) - Lead vox Al...
G3 REUNION LIVE OUT NOW!: The live document of the early 2024 G3 shows drops TODAY for immediate purchase and on all streaming services. I'm on a full set with Joe Satriani and the G3 Jam with Joe + Steve Vai + Eric Johnson. (Hot jam track: "Spanish Castle Magic".) This is the only true live album we did with Joe in the last 11 years and I'm damned proud to be on it. Also Mike Fraser mixed the hell out of it! The bass is very nice considering it's a guitarmania album. But if you want guitar, lemme tell ya, you've got it here. ![]()
Extreme thanks again to Joe, Steve and Eric for the amazing jams - and to Kenny Aronoff and Rai Thistlethwayte (lead vocals on "Crossroads"!) for being such a great band and hang.